
what is a medical mattress?

An air wavy mattress or bedsore mattress is a practical and useful device for the treatment and prevention of bedsores on the hospital bed; Home or medical centers are placed to create a suitable bed for wound prevention. Air mattresses have two types egg and cellular. A bedsore or pressure sore is a lesion that occurs in the skin and the tissues below it, and its cause is permanent and long-term pressure on the skin.

Many people who suffer from this disease have to sleep in a fixed and motionless position for a long time and are unable to change their position. It should be noted that this disease develops very quickly and its treatment is not easy. In a place under the skin where there is a bony ridge and there is no muscle, then it is a suitable place to create a wound. Of course, this is a common disease of diabetics.

Advantages of Hospital/Home Air Mattress

The best way to prevent and treat bedsores is to use a wavy mattress. This complication is caused by the lack of distribution of pressure from large bones on soft tissues and muscles due to the patient’s immobility, these wounds are more common in the back, hip, and elbow areas. If left untreated, bedsores can be very dangerous for the patient. and one of the best ways to prevent and help cure bedsores is to use wavy mattresses.

  1. Pressure Relief: Hospital/Home air mattresses use air pockets that can be adjusted to relieve pressure on certain parts of the body, reducing the risk of bedsores and discomfort.
  2. Comfort: Hospital/Home air beds are designed to provide extra comfort to patients who have to spend long hours in bed. The adjustable nature of the mattress allows you to customize it to your comfort level.
  3. Adjustable Firmness: The firmness of the mattress can be adjusted to meet the needs of individual patients, allowing them to achieve optimal comfort levels.
  4. Increased Support: The air pockets in the mattress help to distribute a patient’s weight evenly across the bed, providing greater support for the body.
  5. Hygiene: Some hospital air mattresses come with a waterproof, washable cover that makes it easy to maintain proper hygiene.

Disadvantages of Hospital/Home Air Mattress

  1. Cost: Hospital/Home air beds can be significantly more expensive than traditional mattresses. They require maintenance and replacement parts that can add to the overall cost of ownership.
  2. Noise: Some hospital/home air mattresses can be noisy when operating, which can disrupt sleep and cause discomfort for patients.
  3. Power Outages: Hospital/home air beds require electricity to operate. Power outages can lead to uncomfortable conditions for patients.
  4. Complex Set-up: While most air mattresses are designed for easy and quick set-up, some air beds may require professional installation, which can be costly.
  5. Punctures and Leaks: The air pockets in the mattress can be punctured or leak, requiring costly repairs or replacements.


    Hospital/Home air mattresses offer several unique advantages such as pressure relief, comfort, and increased support. However, they can be expensive, noisy, and require maintenance and professional installation. Patients and their caregivers should weigh the pros and cons of using an air mattress and discuss with their healthcare provider if it’s a good option for their individual condition. It’s also essential to follow maintenance instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure the mattress is clean and in proper working condition.

Types of bedsore mattresses:

Air mattress or bed sore mattress have different models and every year other different models are produced and offered in the market. Wavy mattresses or bedsore mattresses in three general types including:

Egg type Air mattress

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One of the most common and widely used wavy mattresses, which has a very reasonable and affordable price, is the egg mattress for home use; Patients weighing up to 70 kilos can easily use it. The dimensions of this mattress are usually 280 cm long, 90 cm wide and 6 cm wide. The common material of these mattresses is PVC.

The egg mattress is suitable and practical for short-term use by people who have mobility impairments and spend a short time in bed. Such as people who have undergone lumbar disc surgery or have numbness in the lower limbs, or are unable to move due to weakness and lethargy or old age.

Cellular corrugated mattress

Another type of Air mattress that is also popular is cellular mattress, which is usually for patients whose weight is more than 120 kg. We will tell its salient features below:

They have 17 tubular air tanks made of a combination of nylon and PVC with dimensions of length 190 cm, width 85 cm, and width 11 cm.

They have a compressor motor with dimensions of length 33 cm, width 15 cm and width 12 cm.

As its name suggests, this type of wavy mattress consists of cells that are horizontally placed together.

They are placed and connected by connections, and they are emptied and filled sequentially with air pumping.

The price of cell wave mattresses is higher than egg wave mattresses and they are used for patients and clients who have severe physical and movement weakness and are also prone to bedsores.

It is better for people who have more sensitive skin, such as the elderly, who have less skin turgor and whose skin is fragile, to use cellular air mattresses, which are mostly used in hospitals. With the help of cellular or ovoid structure and the use of elastic air mattresses, the bedsore mattress increases the patient’s movement capabilities and distributes the weight on a wider surface, preventing the pressure on the body tissues and the formation of bedsores.

Therefore, the wavy mattress is a mattress-type tool that uses the wavy state of the air mattress to reduce the possibility of bed sores or pressure sores.

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Sensory wavy mattress

The latest model and one of the best models of air mattresses is a smart and sensor model.

This smart mattress, like the cellular mattress, has tubular mattresses in appearance, and all patients of any weight (both low and high) can easily use it. This model of the wavy mattress looks very similar to the cellular wavy mattress, but the only difference is that it has no weight limit and also has a more powerful pump. Cell wave mattresses with more sensors for patients in hospitals and in special departments such as the ICU, which have patients who are completely dependent on the bed and have severe physical weakness; is used.

Sensor cell wave mattresses are more expensive than other models and are used for heavy and chronic patients such as limb paralysis and extensive brain strokes who need long-term care at home.

Wavy mattresses are a set of air-containing cells that are filled and emptied automatically, causing air circulation and pressure distribution under the patient’s body.

The interval between filling and emptying the cells of the mattress is between 10 and 20 minutes. This cycle is designed exactly like the body’s physiology in a natural state. The use of a wavy mattress makes it possible to regain the body’s lost physiological state in hospitalized patients, and as a result, the constant pressure on the parts under pressure is removed.

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Purposes of using a wavy mattress

Creating periodic and natural movement of the body, distribution and reduction of surface pressure, especially long-term pressures, reducing the effect of external factors by supporting surfaces, helping oxygen and food to reach the tissue, helping the removal of waste materials from tissues, especially damaged tissues, no disturbance in sweating. and perspiration of the patient, accelerating the healing of previous pressure ulcers, preventing the formation of new pressure ulcers.

  1. Patients who are bedridden or immobile for extended periods of time, either due to illness or injury.
  2.  Patients who require extra support and pressure relief, such as those with spinal cord injuries, arthritis, or other conditions that affect mobility and comfort.
  3.  Patients who are at risk for developing pressure ulcers or bedsores, such as those with diabetes or poor circulation.
  4.  Patients who have undergone surgery or other medical procedures, and require specialized support as part of their recovery process.
  5. Patients who are experiencing chronic pain or discomfort, and require a more customized sleep system that can provide both support and pressure relief.
  6. Patients who are in acute pain or discomfort and require specialized supportPlease note that the specific indications for using a home air mattress may vary based on individual needs and medical conditions. It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate use of a home air mattress, as well as any necessary adjustments or modifications that may be required.

Classification of air mattress in terms of appearance

Corrugated mat with longitudinal cells

One and two-layer bubble-shaped wavy mattress Home Care

Wavy mattress with transverse cells with a height of 10 cm

Wavy mattress with transverse cells with a height of 20 cm

Wavy mattress with S shape transverse cells

Classification of air mattress based on patient

Wavy mattress for high risk patients

Wavy mattress for medium risk patients

Wavy mattress for low risk patients

Wavy mattress for Very High Risk patients

Specifications of air mattresses

It has Inter Changeable cells

Pressure Switch outlet air volume adjustment volume

Air pump with noise less than 40 db

It has a polyurethane coating to prevent contamination inside the PU coating mattress

Separately washable and autoclavable. Air pump with safety fuse and Air Vented cells

It has a dynamic and static quick discharge system with an air filter entering the C.P.R. pump

Has visual and audible pressure reduction alarms

It has a dynamic and static state

It has an inlet air filter to the pump

In what cases should we not use air mattresses?

Patients with any skeletal strain

Patients with spinal cord injuries

Patients who have undergone spine surgeries

How to set up and learn how to work with wavy mattress?

Unfolding the mattress and placing it on the bed so that the thick layer is underneath.

Checking the air connection pipes between all the corrugated mattress tubes and the air pump

Turning on the mattress pump after connecting the pump to the mattress

Set the pressure adjustment volume to maximum or FRIM mode to reduce the filling time

Turn on the pump before transferring the patient on the mattress for 20 to 30 minutes

Installing the pump at the bottom of the device and ensuring its strength

Ensuring that the Low Pressure light is off

In the case of pumps with visual alarms, ensure that there is no disturbance in the path of the air transfer hoses from the pump to the mattress

Check that the CPR valve is closed

Adjusting the air pressure of the pump and the firmness of the mattress based on the patient’s weight by means of the volume on the device

Ensuring that all the cells are filled, paying attention to the patient’s physical condition and weight in order to choose the required wavy mattress

Paying attention to the absence of any sharp foreign objects and food on the coating

Paying attention to the absence of wrinkles in the cover and sheets

  Using clean and cotton sheets on the air mattress cover

Washing and disinfecting the cover for use by each new patient

Preparation of two separate covers for use in case of contamination of each of the covers

Not using spring and soft sponge beds, using static mode when the patient is sitting

Paying attention to the availability of CPR valve for the required cases

maintenance of air mattresses

Prevention of bedsores,

Ensuring the strength of the air pump on the patient’s bed,

Washing with detergents and hospital approved disinfectants,

Not using alcohol and solutions containing chlorine and Vitex to wash the coating,

Avoid any impact to the air pump,

Avoid contact of sharp objects with the mattress and cover,

Failure to wash the wavy mattress and the related tubes with washing machines,

Do not use alcohol and free chlorine solutions and ordinary detergent powders,

Periodically check the CPR valve to prevent air leaks,

 , Periodic inspection of air filters

Periodic inspection of all air transmission pipes for bending, decay and breakage,

Periodic check of the air entering the mattress,

Washing and disinfecting the mattress before each turn,

Transfer the mattress for any repair or service to the after-sales service department of Kherd Gostar Tajhiz company to prevent the transmission of infection and contamination,

Maintenance of corrugated mattresses for bed sores when the mattress is not in use,

Clean all parts of the mattress and pump completely and dry them in the open air,

Place the mattress upside down on the bed so that the air slowly escapes from all the tubes,

After exhausting the air, pipe the mattress from the end to the pipes connecting to the pump,

Avoid folding, folding and crumpling the mattress. Place the mattress in your bag or box.

Wavy mattress specifications :

Useful height of 10 cm

Low Risk

Double-layer bubble mattress

Has ventilation properties

Made of polyurethane

It has an air outlet pressure regulator

Pump specifications :

It has a built-in noise canceler to prevent noise from nearby devices

It has an alternative feature

Very quiet and user friendly pump with minimal energy consumption according to the standard

Water resistant pump

It has a diaphragm compressor made of the best rubber

Useful height of 10 cm

Low Risk

How to buy a suitable wavy mattress?

Points to pay attention to:

  1-Patient’s weight, 2- Duration of hospitalization and 3- What is most important is the level of the bed wound and its progress or wound grading.

Usually, wavy mattresses are classified into low-risk, medium-risk, and high-risk levels based on the probability of occurrence and growth of bedsores.

The best wavy mattress for the consumer is a product that fits the level of development of bedsores and the profile of your patient. Of course, since this product is expensive, especially in the models that are designed for the improvement and management of advanced bedsores, it is definitely suggested that you benefit from the free consultation services of Kherad Gostar Tajhiz company before purchasing, so that our consultants can choose from various models, Suggest the right product for you.

The reason for buying a wavy mattress:

There are two important reasons for buying a wavy mattress to prevent bed sores, firstly, bed sores are a very dangerous complication for diabetics and the elderly, and if they occur, they can cause major problems, secondly, the treatment of bed sores is very expensive. As we can say that due to the length of the treatment, the high costs of its treatment, the purchase of medicine and the need for care by a companion are another reason that increases the importance of preventing its occurrence, so take seriously the preparation of a wavy mattress at the right time for your patient.

The cost of buying an air mattress is very small compared to the health and costs of treating bed sores. Also, we emphasize again that you must buy a wavy mattress, just according to the progress of the wound and the duration of the patient’s hospitalization, in order to avoid problems in the future.

Don’t forget that egg mattresses are used to fight against disease and cell mattresses with various pumps and features to help treat bedsores.

Contraindications for Hospital Air Mattress

1. Patients who have unstable spinal fractures
2. Patients with severe dementia, delirium or confusion
3. Patients who have a history of pulmonary edema, shortness of breath or heart failure
4. Patients with unstable fractures or with bone tumors

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate use of a hospital air mattress and to discuss any potential contraindications based on your individual condition. Additionally, a healthcare professional can discuss the duration and frequency of use, as well as any necessary maintenance or repairs that are required to ensure the mattress is working properly.

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